
Meeting of Conservative Leaders in Brazil:


Meeting of Conservative Leaders in Brazil:

Encontro de Líderes Conservadores no Brasil: Javier Milei e Jair Bolsonaro Fortalecem Relações

Javier Milei and Jair Bolsonaro Strengthen Relations


Argentine President Javier Milei and former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro met during the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Balneário Camboriú, Santa Catarina. This historic meeting could have significant implications for economic cooperation between Brazil and Argentina. Let’s explore the details:

1. Milei’s first visit to Brazil

  • Milei arrived in Brazil for the first time since his inauguration in December 2023. His presence at CPAC reinforces the importance of the event as a forum for conservative leaders in Latin America³.
  • The Argentinian broke diplomatic protocol by not meeting President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT)**, but prioritized meetings with the governor of Santa Catarina, Jorge Mello, and businessmen from the state⁴.

2. Bolsonaro and Milei watch the Brazil game

  • Bolsonaro and Milei watched together the match in which Brazil was eliminated from the Copa América by Uruguay. This informal moment may have created an atmosphere conducive to bilateral discussions⁹.
  • The presence of both leaders at the same political event is a sign of rapprochement between the nations, despite their ideological differences.
Javier Milei
Javier Milei

3. Milei’s speech at CPAC

  • Milei’s speech was expected to be one of the main moments of the event. He criticized socialist governments in Latin America, without directly mentioning Lula. This stance may indicate a more pragmatic approach to regional cooperation⁸.

4. Santa Catarina Logistics Support

  • During his stay in Brazil, Milei received direct assistance from the government of Santa Catarina, which provided a police escort and two cars for his safety. This cooperation demonstrates the mutual interest in strengthening ties between the countries⁹.


The meeting between Milei and Bolsonaro at CPAC represents a milestone in the bilateral relationship between Brazil and Argentina. Although political differences remain, the search for dialog and economic cooperation is a positive step for the region. It remains to be seen how these interactions develop over the coming months⁷. 🌟

(1) Milei arrives in Balneário Camboriú for a meeting with Bolsonaro and right-wing politicians. https://www.terra.com.br/noticias/brasil/politica/milei-chega-a-balneario-camboriu-para-encontro-com-bolsonaro-e-politicos-de-direita,f14102550d8df0b874f6732f09dd2e942ryzodpw.html.
(2) Milei arrives in Brazil for conservative event and is … – O GLOBO. https://oglobo.globo.com/politica/noticia/2024/07/06/milei-chega-ao-brasil-para-evento-conservador-e-e-recepcionado-por-bolsonaro-e-tarcisio-em-santa-catarina.ghtml.
(3) Javier Milei and Jair Bolsonaro watch Brazil play Uruguay …. https://www.estadao.com.br/politica/javier-milei-jair-bolsonaro-assistem-juntos-jogo-do-brasil-contra-uruguai-copa-america-balneario-camboriu-cpac-nprp/.
(4) Milei closes CPAC Brazil alongside Bolsonaro in Santa Catarina. https://jovempan.com.br/noticias/mundo/milei-encerra-cpac-brasil-ao-lado-de-bolsonaro-em-santa-catarina.html.
(5) Understand what CPAC is, the conservative event that brings Milei and Bolsonaro together in Camboriú. https://g1.globo.com/politica/noticia/2024/07/06/com-bolsonaro-e-milei-camboriu-recebe-forum-conservador-neste-fim-de-semana.ghtml.
(6) Milei meets Bolsonaro and receives ‘3is’ medal: ‘immoral, imbrochable and incomprehensible’. https://www.msn.com/pt-br/noticias/other/milei-tem-encontro-com-bolsonaro-e-recebe-medalha-3is-imorr%C3%ADvel-imbroch%C3%A1vel-e-incom%C3%ADvel/ar-BB1pyEP0.
(7) The meeting between Bolsonaro and Milei in Balneário Camboriú. https://veja.abril.com.br/coluna/radar/o-encontro-entre-bolsonaro-e-milei-em-balneario-camboriu/.
(8) Milei meets Bolsonaro | Diário da manhã. https://www.dm.com.br/politica-3/milei-tem-encontro-com-bolsonaro-148597.
(9) Javier Milei to come to Brazil for conservative forum; itinerary not …. https://g1.globo.com/politica/noticia/2024/07/01/javier-milei-deve-vir-ao-brasil-para-forum-conservador-roteiro-nao-preve-agenda-com-lula.ghtml.
(10) Javier Milei and Jair Bolsonaro confirm their presence at CPAC 2024 at …. https://www.clickcamboriu.com.br/politica/2024/07/javier-milei-e-jair-bolsonaro-confirmam-presenca-no-cpac-2024-em-balneario-camboriu-264679.html.


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