
Tag: Globalism


The Climate halting tragedy

The Climate halting tragedy

Doesn’t really work out ( yet ) Trying to halt damaging climate change is a pair of ideas: decarbonise electricity and electrify the economy. But this is not working out well. In fact it’s going bad, So, how is it going? Badly, is the answer. eyesonbrasil Amsterdam, July 4th 2024–The question is if things will change…
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Wie bestuurt de wereld? Wie heeft de macht en Wie heeft het voor het zeggen?

Who runs the world?

Our Common Future [ by Ian Bremmer ] Amsterdam, Jan1st 2024 — It used to be an easy question to answer. If you’re over 45 like me, you grew up in a world that was dominated by two giants. The United States called the shots on one side of the Wall, the Soviets set the rules on…
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