
Tag: Amazon Rainforest


Experts aim to protect one of Brazil’s giant emblematic tree species

Experts aim to protect one of Brazil’s giant emblematic tree species

by Jenny Gonzales “What makes these trees so special is still a great mystery, and it takes time and studies to unravel,” Eric Gorgens said. The professor of spatial and environmental analysis at the Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri (UFVJM) was talking about the giant red angelim (Dinizia excelsa Ducke), an Amazonian tree…
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Netflora: Revolutionizing Amazon Rainforest Conservation with AI

Netflora: Revolutionizing Amazon Rainforest Conservation with AI

eyesonbrasil 1. Introduction The Amazon Rainforest, often referred to as the “lungs of the Earth,” is a vital ecosystem that sustains life on our planet. Its lush green canopy, teeming biodiversity, and intricate web of interconnected species play a crucial role in maintaining global climate stability. However, this magnificent forest faces unprecedented threats due to…
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Belém, Para, Brazil, center of bioeconomy Amazonia

For a year, the center of the climate world eyesonbrasil Amsterdam, 24 april 2024– In 2025, the climate summit, COP30, will be organized in Belém. Why it is so special that it takes place there and why a visit by agricultural and nature organizations before the COP is worthwhile. The Dutch LNV is committed to…
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Unveiling the Ancient Civilization of Ratanabá: A Paradigm Shift in Brazil’s History

eyesonbrasil For centuries, the Amazon Rainforest has held its secrets close, concealing remnants of an ancient civilization that could rewrite our understanding of Brazil’s past. In a groundbreaking discovery, the Dakila Research team has unearthed evidence of gigantic constructions, mysterious underground galleries, and the remains of giants. Let us delve into this awe-inspiring revelation. The…
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Brazil - France Investments Bio-economy First

Brazil – France Investments

Bio-economy First eyesonbrasil Amsterdam, 28 march 2024 — Presidents Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Emmanuel Macron launched Tuesday in Belém a € 1 billion investment bioeconomy program for the Brazilian Legal Amazon as well as for the part of the Amazon within French Guiana to raise funds through public and private investments over the next…
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Changes in diplomatic relations between Portugal and Brazil on the horizon?

Changes in diplomatic relations between Portugal and Brazil on the horizon?

eyesonbrasil 1. Political Realignment and Diplomatic Priorities The Aliança Democrática’s victory in the 2024 legislative elections signals a shift in Portugal’s political landscape. Luís Montenegro, as the coalition’s leader, will likely recalibrate diplomatic priorities. Key considerations include: 2. Cultural Bridges and People-to-People Connections Portugal and Brazil share deep cultural ties, rooted in language, history, and…
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Impeachment da Ministra Sônia Guajajara: Desdobramentos e Implicações

Impeachment of Minister Sônia Guajajara

Developments and Implications eyesonbrasil 1. The Request for Impeachment Last Wednesday, 15 senators formalized a request for impeachment against the Minister for Indigenous Peoples, Sônia Guajajara. The accusation alleges a crime of responsibility, focusing on the alleged violation of Article 50, paragraph 2, of the Federal Constitution. The minister allegedly failed to respond in time…
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Yanomami Take Center Stage at Rio Carnival, Inspiring a Deeper Brazil

A Samba Beat for Change

Yanomami Take Center Stage at Rio Carnival, Inspiring a Deeper Brazil The vibrant feathers, pulsating rhythms, and infectious energy of Rio’s Carnival are renowned worldwide. But this year, amidst the sequins and smiles, a deeper message resonated: a powerful homage to the Yanomami, Brazil’s largest Indigenous group, by the acclaimed Salgueiro Samba School. Salgueiro’s parade…
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The ‘dark earth’ revealing the Amazon’s secrets

The ‘dark earth’ revealing the Amazon’s secrets

Amid the discovery of a lost city in the Amazon rainforest, scientists are uncovering a different kind of relic underground – one that’s still being used today. Deep within the Amazon, Mark Robinson was up to his knees in buried treasure. Together with an international team of scientists, Robinson was on an expedition to a…
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Brazil: Drought parches the Amazon

Brazil: Drought parches the Amazon

The Amazon rainforest is reeling from severe drought and the rivers are running dry. Drinking water is in increasingly short supply and transport is disrupted.