
Tag: Artificial Intelligence


An Towering AI Robot Directing A Team Of Humans In An Huge Office Room Overseeing Manhattan And Hudson Bay At Sunrise Jpg

Life. Work. Society. Life.

Leadership strategy. AI touches us and our lives everywhere. by Steffan Heuer / theeyesonproject Artificial intelligence is opening up a brave new world. Think:Act assesses four key areas which the nascent technology will transform: the boardroom, the workplace, society and ourselves. How we respond collectively and individually to intelligent machines is set to have a long-lasting…
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Hello? Who’s on the phone?? Who am I talking to?

Hello? Who’s on the phone?? Who am I talking to?

Yes, this is your chatbot eyesonproject/Roland van der Vorst Amsterdam June 1, 2024– It won’t be long and we really won’t know anymore whether we are talking to a human or a computer. The machine watches and listens to us, and predicts what we want to hear. In the meantime, we think we are dealing…
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From coding to video gaming: 10 best uses people have found for ChatGPT’s latest model GPT-4o

From coding to video gaming: 10 best uses people have found for ChatGPT’s latest model GPT-4o

Since its launch, users have found creative ways to use ChatGPT’s latest version, GPT-4o, from generating video games to transcribing historical texts. Earlier this week, OpenAI introduced its latest AI model, GPT-4o, promising a significant upgrade to ChatGPT’s capabilities. Building on the success of GPT-4, this new model aims to make ChatGPT smarter, easier to use,…
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Netflora: Revolutionizing Amazon Rainforest Conservation with AI

Netflora: Revolutionizing Amazon Rainforest Conservation with AI

eyesonbrasil 1. Introduction The Amazon Rainforest, often referred to as the “lungs of the Earth,” is a vital ecosystem that sustains life on our planet. Its lush green canopy, teeming biodiversity, and intricate web of interconnected species play a crucial role in maintaining global climate stability. However, this magnificent forest faces unprecedented threats due to…
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The US Had a Chance to Lead in Chipmaking Tech, and Missed It

The US Had a Chance to Lead in Chipmaking Tech, and Missed It

By Alex Webb and Ian King / Bloomberg It was a strategic misstep of epic proportions. The US took a crucial early role in developing the semiconductor technology that underpins today’s revolution in artificial intelligence. Yet it’s a Dutch firm that now holds a monopoly on the process, and Asian manufacturers that dominate production. Extreme ultraviolet lithography machines are…
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AI strategy

A successful AI strategy requires an experimental mindset

Although artificial intelligence has been used since the 1950s, the technology has only gained in fame in the last decade as it is growing more and more out of its infancy. But when AI will actually be mature, it remains to be guessed for the time being. That makes it challenging to draw up an…
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Chat GPT Tutorial

ChatGPT Tutorial – A Crash Course on Chat GPT for Beginners

This ChatGPT Tutorial is a Crash Course on Chat GPT for Beginners. With the increase in popularity, ChatGPT is still unknown to many people. In this video, I will provide a crash course on different ways to use ChatGPT.

The Economic Potential Of Open AI

The Economic Potential of generative AI

To grasp what lies ahead requires an understanding of the breakthroughs that have enabledthe rise of generative AI, which were decades in the making. ChatGPT, GitHub Copilot, StableDiffusion, and other generative AI tools that have captured current public attention are theresult of significant levels of investment in recent years that have helped advance machinelearning and…
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Smart Agriculture

Investment possibility for [ Southern ] Brazil

Future in Food Industry by Idoia Olabarrieta and Angela Melado, source food 4.0. AZTI AF Amsterdam, 9 June 2021–The crisis generated by Covid has had the collateral consequence of anticipating the future: the transition to the digital society has accelerated and those companies that either does not know how to see it or do not adapt…
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AI Small Farming Brazil

Advanced Technology to Improve Small Farming in Brazil

Aline De Souza Oliveira Pezente applies blockchain technologies, AI, and analytics to develop a plan that will improve the way farmers in her native Brazil grow and sell their products, and access credit and important environmental information. License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA More information at https://ocw.mit.edu/terms More courses at https://ocw.mit.edu