
Tag: Sustainability


Porto Bracuí: Where Tranquility Meets Opportunity

Porto Bracuí: Where Tranquility Meets Opportunity

eyesonbrasil Let’s explore the real estate development perspectives for Porto Bracuí, a charming area on the Costa Verde in Brazil. 🌴 1. Porto Bracuí: A Hidden Gem Porto Bracuí, nestled along the picturesque Costa Verde coastline, is a hidden gem waiting to be discovered. With its tranquil canals, lush greenery, and proximity to the sea,…
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Fernando de Noronha

Brazilian Maritime Islands:

Bridging Gaps and Navigating Challenges in Water, Sanitation, and Sustainable Development By Matheus Della Tonia Marchesi, Uende Aparecida Figueiredo Gomes, and Edivando Vitor do Couto Introduction Over the past four years, Matheus Della Tonia Marchesi, under the supervision of Professors Uende Aparecida Figueiredo Gomes and Edivando Vitor do Couto, has intensely focused on his doctoral…
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The Plastic Waste Pollution in the Philippines

A Cleaner Future for All is possible. eyesonthephilippines Amsterdam, 14 June 2024– With its breathtaking natural beauty and vibrant communities, the Philippines faces a growing crisis that threatens its environment and well-being: plastic waste pollution. In recent years, the archipelago has witnessed a surge in plastic waste, from urban centres to remote beaches. In this document we’ll…
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Bio-inputs for Sustainable Agriculture in South America

Bio-inputs for Sustainable Agriculture in South America

eyesonbrasil Introduction Bio-inputs, which include technologies based on microbiomes or microorganisms, hold immense promise for sustainable agriculture in South America. These alternatives aim to reduce reliance on fossil-based inputs while enhancing productivity and environmental sustainability. In this article, we explore the adoption of bio-inputs in Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay, highlighting challenges and opportunities. The Promise…
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Fundamental Additions and Changes in global food systems

According to Several European Governments eyesonproject Amsterdam, 11 june 2024– Global food systems must undergo tremendous and deep social, ecological and economic changes if the human rights charters want to be respected worldwide. Our global eyeson…project wants to encourage, throughout the world, the production of local agro ecological food, without climate impacts, equitable and participatory. We…
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Overview of Agroecology in Brazil

Social, economic, and environmental perspectives eyesonbrasil Agroecology is a holistic approach to agriculture that integrates ecological principles with social and economic considerations. It emphasizes sustainable practices, biodiversity, and resilience. In Brazil, agroecology has gained prominence due to its potential to address pressing challenges such as climate change, food security, and rural development. Agroecology Concepts Agroecology…
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Greening Hope: The Amendment That Could Revitalize Rio Grande do Sul

eyesonbrasil A Tax Relief for Farmers Congresswoman Carla Zambelli’s proposal to exempt ICMS on domestic rice is a breath of hope for farmers in Rio Grande do Sul. By reducing the tax burden, it is hoped that producers will be able to invest more in their crops, improving the quality and quantity of production. This…
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Ernst Götsch’s Syntropic Farming:

A Green Revolution for Brazil’s Agribusiness eyesonbrasil 1. Introduction Ernst Götsch, a Swiss farmer and researcher, has pioneered a groundbreaking approach to agriculture known as syntropic farming. His farm, Fazenda Olhos D’Água, located in Piraí do Norte, Bahia, Brazil, serves as a living testament to the power of regenerative practices. Let’s delve into the principles…
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The Sustainable Future of the Brazilian Economy:

Four Key Points eyesonbrasil The search for a sustainable future is a global priority, and Brazil is not immune to this challenge. The study conducted by Wagner Faria de Oliveira, from PUC in Rio de Janeiro, on sustainable land use in Brazil offers valuable insights for shaping our economy in a more conscious and resilient…
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How Brazil Can Strengthen its Infrastructure to Combat the Climate Crisis

Dr. Edivando Vitor do Couto To comprehend the gravity and urgency of the climate crisis, it is essential to distinguish between the terms “climate crisis” and “climate change.” Climate change refers to long-term alterations in the Earth’s climate patterns, including variations in temperature, precipitation, and other meteorological phenomena over decades or centuries. This process is…
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