
Tag: Big Oil


Suriname Future

and Common Sense eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, 19 june 2024– Suraya Jiawan-Nanan, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Haukes Construction Company in Suriname, is urging local businesses to elevate their standards to meet international requirements as the country prepares for a surge in its oil industry. Jiawan-Nanan, at the recent Suriname Energy Oil and Gas Summit, emphasized that achieving…
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Agreement reached between Staatsolie and Total Energies

Agreement reached between Staatsolie and Total Energies

Economic Development Suriname may take off eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, June 5th 2024– According to TotalEnergies, an agreement was concluded between Staatsolie NV of Suriname and the French Oil and Gas company on the field development area, maximizing the value for Suriname and the Block 58 co-venturers over the 25 years Production Period. In addition, the hull for…
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Namibia Oil Discovery Total

Suriname, Guyana in the Eastern Caribbean and Namibia in Western Africa

Latest Global Fossil Fuel Players eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, 27 May 2024– Namibia has the potential to replicate Suriname’s and Guyana’s success in the oil sector, said NJ Ayuk, Chairman of the African Energy Chamber. In a recent conversation with Petroleum Economist’s editor-in-chief, Paul Hickin, Ayuk praised the new oil rich countries for their rich geological resources but…
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New recoverable oil sources found in Suriname

Hopeful signs for the country eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, 20 may 2024–Petronas’ Roystonea-1 and Fusaea-1 discoveries in Block 52 offshore Suriname are estimated to hold recoverable resources approaching 400 million barrels, according to new numbers released by UK-based consultancy group Wood Mackenzie. “This could be enough to support an FPSO [floating production storage and offloading vessel] with…
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WoodMac: 4.6 billion barrels of oil discovered offshore Suriname.

Plus 12.5 trillion Cubic Feet of Gas eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, 20 May 2024–The Consultancy Group of Wood Mackenzie has put Suriname’s oil resource count at more than 2.4 billion barrels and its natural gas resources at 12.5 trillion cubic feet (tcf). Based on WoodMac’s numbers, assuming one trillion cubic feet of gas equals 176 million barrels of…
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Suriname fossil fuels

Growing exploration activities eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, 27 april 2024– Hess Corporation said exploration activities are planned this year for two Suriname blocks in which it holds stakes – Block 42 and Block 59. The note is part of the company’s annual report filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Block 42’s previous operator, Kosmos Energy, had drilled…
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Exxon Guyana

Exxon CEO: Guyana is the most successful deepwater development in history

eyesonguyana Amsterdam, 27 april 2024–ExxonMobil’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chairman of the Board, Darren Woods, hailed Guyana’s oil story as one that will be well remembered in the history of the oil and gas sector. “I believe Guyana will go down as one of the most successful deepwater developments in the history of the…
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Brazilian Energy Sector Plans

Brazilian Energy Sector Plans

Enormous Investments eyesonbrasil Amsterdam, 22 april 2024–Petrobras, Brazil’s state-controlled oil company, has unveiled plans for investments exceeding US$70 billion in exploration and production activities. Not too long ago, Petrobras already invested and focused heavily in pumping up oil, as well as take-overs in order to grow more. These investments aim to not only bolster the country’s…
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Petrobras Jubilant

Brazil follows Suriname & Guyana

Petrobras Jubilant finding more oil eyesonbrasil Amsterdam, 9 april 2024– Brazilian oil giant Petrobras has struck oil in a well located in Brazil’s Potiguar Basin, during a campaign it embarked on in earnest to repeat exploration successes off the coasts of Guyana and Suriname. Announcing the find in an April 9 release, Petrobras said its…
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Territorial woes for Guyana

Two regions in dispute eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, April 9 2024–Guyanese authorities have requested the United Nations Security Council to review Venezuela’s territorial claims over the oil-rich Essequibo region, under the jurisdiction of the former British colony since 1899, but which Caracas has annexed to all its official maps following a referendum last year. The Guyanese Government…
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