
Category: The Business of Finance/Banking


Sin Tax vs. Marijuana: A Brazilian Tax Comedy

eyesonbrasil “Beer is Not a Sin” vs. “Marijuana is Legal” The Brazilian Craft Beer Association (Abracerva) launched the “Beer is not a sin” campaign while the Federal Supreme Court (STF) was freeing the consumption of marijuana. The result? An epic clash between brewers and marijuana users on social media. Taxing the Breeze The government is…
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PIX Taxado: Desafios e Oportunidades para os Pequenos Negócios Brasileiros

Taxed PIX: Challenges and Opportunities for Brazilian Small Businesses

eyesonbrasil 1. Introduction: Taxing PIX PIX, Brazil’s instant payment system, has been a revolution in the way financial transactions are carried out. However, recently, the Central Bank authorized the charging of fees for transfers via PIX to private companies. This change has generated debate and concern, especially for small businesses. 2. Impact on Small Businesses…
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Hello? Who’s on the phone?? Who am I talking to?

Hello? Who’s on the phone?? Who am I talking to?

Yes, this is your chatbot eyesonproject/Roland van der Vorst Amsterdam June 1, 2024– It won’t be long and we really won’t know anymore whether we are talking to a human or a computer. The machine watches and listens to us, and predicts what we want to hear. In the meantime, we think we are dealing…
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How to measure the risks and impact of financing on nature

eyesonbrasil Understanding nature-related risks and impact and how you can manage those risks and impact is the ambition of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD). The TNFD is an international partnership of, among others, the United Nations and WWF that Rabobank has been a co-developing member of since its foundation in 2021. After two…
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Brazil’s Fiscal Journey: Learning from Argentina’s Milei

Brazil’s Fiscal Journey: Learning from Argentina’s Milei

eyesonbrasil 1. The Brazilian Fiscal Landscape Brazil, a nation of vibrant culture and diverse landscapes, grapples with fiscal challenges that threaten its economic stability. The Lula Administration, freshly elected, inherits a complex situation. Public debt looms large, and the delicate balance between growth and fiscal discipline remains elusive. 2. Javier Milei’s Triumph in Argentina a.…
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Central Banks Gold Reserves

Central Banks’ Gold Accumulation: A Shining Strategy

eyesonbrasil 1. A Glittering Trend Continues Central banks worldwide have embarked on a remarkable journey, accumulating gold reserves at a pace not seen since 1967 when the U.S. dollar was still tethered to this precious metal. As we step into 2024, their commitment to gold remains unwavering. Let’s delve into the reasons behind this glittering…
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Navigating the ISO 20022 Journey: BRICS on the Golden Path

eyesonbrasil The BRICS nations—Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa—stand at the crossroads of financial transformation. As the ISO 20022 standard beckons, they prepare to dance to a new rhythm. Simultaneously, the allure of gold-backed currencies casts its golden glow. Let us explore this symphony of change, harmonizing tradition and innovation. 1. ISO 20022: A…
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Russia's Blockchain-based Payment Platform for BRICS

Russia’s Blockchain-based Payment Platform for BRICS

An Emerging Threat to the US Dollar Dominance? eyesonbrasil Advantages of the new independent payment method for BRICS The new payment platform based on blockchain technology proposed by Russia for the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) has several advantages for the member countries. Firstly, it offers a secure and transparent platform…
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Carbon Trading Pilot Program

Carbon Trading Pilot Program

Launched in Dubai eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, 1 Feb. 2024 — The Dubai Financial Market announced that it will launch a carbon trading pilot program, aiming to global daily price references. eyesonsuriname is getting a hold of the pilot program for institutional investors and will run it next month The move will position the Dubai Financial Market…
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Cash costs

Non active cash costs investors dearly

eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, 3 Jan 2024–High net worth investors who hold a large percentage of their savings in cash or money market funds risk missing out on the potential for sizable gains in bond markets. Reviewing the past five US rate-hiking cycles reveals that, three years after they peaked, cash delivered an average return of 15…
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