


Suriname-Guyana Basin ranked 2nd most prospective in the world for oil

THE EARLY EXPLORATION Amsterdam, nov 2023– Onshore exploration. In both Suriname and Guyana, oil seeps were known from the 1800s, into the 1900s. Exploration in Suriname discovered oil at a 160 m depth while drilling for water in a schoolyard in Calcutta Village. The onshore Tambaredjo oil field (15-17 oAPI oil) was discovered in 1968. First oil began in…
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Why Suriname may and could matter

Why Suriname may and could matter

eyesonsuriname Amsterdam, 15 nov 2023– according to the United States Geological Survey, an estimated 13.6 billion barrels of oil and 32 trillion cubic feet of natural gas could lie in the Guyana-Suriname Basin, making it the 2nd most prospective, underexplored offshore oil basins in the world. Experts have long suspected that the basin may share a similar…
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This new satellite, developed by Canadian company GHGSat has been designed specifically to detect carbon emissions from space.

New satellite that will track Co2 emissions from space

So far, satellites are being used to help tackle the climate crisis, but these satellites are only detecting methane. This new satellite, developed by Canadian company GHGSat has been designed specifically to detect carbon emissions from space, in order to identify the worst polluters. The satellite will be able to detect emissions from places like…
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Carbon Removals

Urgent concerns regarding the proposed Certification Framework for Carbon Removals (CFCR) text

With this letter, we express our serious concerns regarding the Certification Framework for Carbon Removals text under consideration for adoption at the Coreper meeting on 17.11.2023. We believe the current text has significant issues that need addressing before adoption can be considered. As it now stands, it undermines the effectiveness of the EU’s existing climate…
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Hypothesis for a Risk Cost of Carbon

Revising the Externalities and Ethics of Climate Change 1 Introduction The topic of this chapter is the theoretical plausibility of a second externalized cost of anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, called the Risk Cost of Carbon (RCC), whereby the first externalized cost is already established as the Social Cost of Carbon (SCC). Chen et al.…
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Kim Stanley Robinson

Kim Stanley Robinson: The Ministry for the Future

Uniting science and politics, and giving voice to our most ardent hopes and our worst fears, American climate fiction pioneer Kim Stanley Robinson’s book ‘The Ministry for the Future’ is a gripping portrayal of a world grappling with the devastating consequences of climate change and the urgent actions needed to forge a sustainable future. In…
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Carbon Forecasting

We proudly present: Our Carbon Forecasting Model

We have developed a Carbon Forecasting Model using Anaplan that helps us measure our future emissions. Watch what the tool can do and how it can be of value to your own organization. Deloitte, Netherlands

A parliamentary delegation from Canada arrived in Guyana commencing a five-day visit aimed at fortifying the diplomatic relations

Canadian parliamentarians arrive in Guyana for high-level talks

eyesonbrasil / oilnow A four-member parliamentary delegation from Canada arrived in Guyana on November 14, commencing a five-day visit aimed at fortifying and deepening the diplomatic relations between the two nations. The visit was facilitated through the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA). Led by prominent Canadian parliamentarians, the delegation comprises Alexandra Mendès, Assistant Deputy Speaker, and…
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Carbon Pricing

Carbon Pricing Explained

How Carbon Credits, Carbon Offsets and Taxes are Priced Between talk of carbon credits, carbon offsets, and of course carbon emissions, it can feel like carbon is everywhere. But unless you understand carbon pricing, you’ll never understand how – and why – carbon markets work the way they do. Let’s break down carbon pricing, starting with a simple…
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Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability

Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability, university’s first new school in 70 years, will accelerate solutions to global climate crisis

By Amy Adams and Anneke Cole Stanford’s first new school in 70 years will launch this fall as the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability, recognizing a $1.1 billion gift from John and Ann Doerr, the largest in the university’s history. The commitment, together with gifts from other generous donors, will extend the university’s scholarship and dramatically…
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