
Tag: Education


Origens dos Problemas Cardíacos em Crianças e Adolescentes: Prevenção e Conscientização

Origins of Heart Problems in Children and Adolescents:

Prevention and Awareness eyesonbrasil Heart disease knows no age, and it is essential that we pay attention to the cardiovascular health of our children and adolescents. In this article, we’ll explore the risk factors and origins of these problems, as well as the importance of prevention. Let’s dive into this inspiring journey! 1. Cardiovascular Risk…
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Empowering Education: Elon Musk’s Starlink Initiative in Brazil

Empowering Education: Elon Musk’s Starlink Initiative in Brazil

eyesonbrasil 1. The Promise of Connectivity In a bold move that transcends borders, Elon Musk, the visionary entrepreneur behind SpaceX, has pledged to provide free Starlink internet to schools across Brazil. Despite the Brazilian government’s decision to suspend all contracts with the company, Musk’s commitment remains unwavering. This promise holds immense potential for bridging the…
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Nicholas Negroponte: One Laptop per Child

Nicholas Negroponte: One Laptop per Child

The founder of the MIT Media Lab, Nicholas Negroponte pushed the edge of the information revolution as an inventor, thinker and angel investor. He’s the driving force behind One Laptop per Child, building computers for children in the developing world.

Closer Cooperation Holland Brazil

TU Delft & Univ. São Paulo eyesonbrasil Amsterdam, 22 march 2023– The Delft University of Technology of the Netherlands and USP- the Universidade de São Paulo signed a collaboration agreement on an institutional level today. The agreement facilitates different forms of collaborative work, e.g. student exchange, joint research projects and dual degree PhDs. Biobased economy, water…
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Internetworking Edition 2023 & Potsdam Cyber Games

Internetworking Edition 2023 & Potsdam Cyber Games Dear Learning Community, Around five billion people worldwide use the Internet – more than half the world’s population. It has revolutionized our everyday lives. Banking transactions, sending e-mails, ordering products online – all this can be done easily and quickly via the network of networks. If you want…
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Private Equity

Private Equity and Venture Capital

Made in Brazil Amsterdam, March 20th 2021–Opportunities for Private Equity and Venture Capital in Brazil have picked up since 2011. The dynamism of the segment relates to the growing amount of capital committed for investments in the country, which increased significantly over a 6-year period, as well as an increasing gross payout to investors, according…
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