
Michel Temer’s Letter and the Values of Our Society


Michel Temer’s Letter and the Values of Our Society

A Carta de Michel Temer e os Valores da Nossa Sociedade


Amsterdam, September 11, 2024 – On Brazil’s Independence Day, former President Michel Temer published a letter to the nation that, in addition to reflecting on the country’s history and challenges, sent an indirect message to STF Minister Alexandre de Moraes¹. Temer’s message highlights the importance of fundamental values for the cohesion and progress of Brazilian society.

The Search for Internal Peace

Temer emphasizes that the consolidation of Brazil’s independence has always had as its organizing force the search for internal peace¹. He warns that divided nations in permanent conflict become vulnerable to external forces. Internal peace is an essential value that enables the stability and development of a nation. Without it, society is weakened and susceptible to constant crises.

The Importance of Conciliation

The former president recalls historical figures such as Juscelino Kubitschek and José Sarney, who sought conciliation between opposing parties as a means of internal pacification¹. The ability to dialog and find consensus is a crucial value for governability and the maintenance of democratic order. Conciliation not only resolves conflicts, but also strengthens institutions and promotes mutual trust between citizens.

Exercising Power Wisely

Temer emphasizes that the true exercise of power requires wisdom and the ability to build consensus¹. He criticizes political and judicial radicalization, suggesting that extreme polarization can bring immediate gains, but is illusory and fleeting. Wisdom in the exercise of power is a value that guarantees the legitimacy of institutions and the participation of all social segments in the political process.

The Role of the Opposition

The letter also highlights the importance of the opposition within the democratic system¹. Temer argues that the opposition plays a fundamental role in criticizing and monitoring the government, contributing to governability and the maintenance of the democratic order. Respect for the diversity of opinions and valuing the role of the opposition are values that strengthen democracy and guarantee a healthy political environment.


Michel Temer’s message on Brazil’s Independence Day reminds us of the importance of values such as internal peace, conciliation, wisdom in the exercise of power and respect for the opposition. These values are fundamental to the country’s social cohesion and progress. By reflecting on these principles, we can work together to build a more just, peaceful and supportive society, where everyone feels like a legitimate participant in the political and social process.

¹: Source


(1) The full text of Michel Temer’s so-called “letter”: The right message. https://www.jornaldacidadeonline.com.br/noticias/62245/a-integra-da-propalada-carta-de-michel-temer-o-recado-certeiro.
(2) The full text of Michel Temer’s alleged “letter”: The right message. https://www.politicaonlinebrasil.com/2024/09/a-integra-da-propalada-carta-de-michel.html.
(3) Michel Temer: PEC on STF is not a cause for conflict – 24/11/2023 …. https://www1.folha.uol.com.br/poder/2023/11/temer-diz-que-pec-sobre-stf-nao-e-motivo-de-conflito-e-que-ao-judiciario-cabe-julgar.shtml.
(4) Before a rally in Paulista, Temer went to the Supreme Court with a promise to … – G1. https://g1.globo.com/politica/blog/daniela-lima/post/2024/02/26/antes-de-ato-na-paulista-temer-foi-ao-stf-levar-promessa-de-bolsonaro-de-nao-atacar-ministros.ghtml.
(5) Social values: what they are, types, examples and list – Psicologia-Online. https://br.psicologia-online.com/valores-sociais-o-que-sao-tipos-exemplos-e-lista-531.html.
(6) Social values: what they are, what they’re for and examples. https://www.significados.com.br/valores-sociais/.
(7) Social values: what they are, types, examples and list – Psychology-Online. https://bing.com/search?q=valores+of+our+society.
(8) Get to know 8 contemporary social values – Humanizae / O portal das …. https://humanizae.com.br/valores-sociais-contemporaneos/.


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