
Edmundo González: The Venezuelan President-Elect Who Inspires Solidarity in Latin America


Edmundo González: The Venezuelan President-Elect Who Inspires Solidarity in Latin America

Edmundo González: O Presidente Eleito da Venezuela que Inspira Solidariedade na América Latina


The recent presidential election in Venezuela brought to light a crucial moment for the country and for Latin America as a whole. Edmundo González, the opposition candidate, emerged as an inspiring figure, and his victory at the polls transcended borders. Let’s explore how regional solidarity manifested itself during this challenging period:

1. International Recognition

Javier Gonzalez Olaechea Jpg
Javier González-Olaechea

Peru was the first country to officially recognize Edmundo González as the elected president of Venezuela. The Peruvian Foreign Minister, Javier González-Olaechea, declared that this position is shared by numerous countries and international organizations[^10^]. This gesture demonstrates the solidarity between Latin American nations in support of democracy and the will of the people.

2. María Corina Machado: A Powerful Voice

Maria Corina Machado Edmundo Gonzalez 3
María Corina Machado

Opposition leader María Corina Machado not only acknowledged González’s victory, but also emphasized that he won in all of Venezuela’s states. She proclaimed: “We won, and everyone knows it. This is the truth.” Her fearless stance inspired other leaders to speak out in defense of democracy and the rights of the Venezuelan people⁹.

3. The Importance of National Independence

Nicolás Maduro, the incumbent president, also made statements after the result. He stressed that the outcome represented “the triumph of national independence and the dignity of the people”. This statement underscores the importance of a sovereign Venezuela and the need to respect the will expressed at the ballot box⁹.

Read also: Venezuela’s Presidential Election: A High-Stakes Showdown – Eyes on Suriname

4. The Humanitarian Response Plan

In addition to political issues, solidarity also manifests itself in practical actions. The UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Assistance, Martin Griffiths, visited Venezuela and emphasized the importance of supporting the most vulnerable. A Humanitarian Response Plan was launched, seeking critical resources for the well-being of Venezuelans, including health care, food security and education¹.


Edmundo González personifies hope and unity in difficult times. Latin America’s solidarity with the people of Venezuela transcends political borders and reaffirms our commitment to democracy and human rights. May his leadership inspire all of us to work together for a more just and supportive future. 🇻🇪🌟🤝⁹ [^10^].

(1) Peru recognizes Edmundo González as president-elect of Venezuela and …. https://www.bbc.com/mundo/articles/c6p24vjwj3vo.
(2) Venezuela’s president-elect is Edmundo González, says leader of …. https://www.cartacapital.com.br/mundo/o-presidente-eleito-da-venezuela-e-edmundo-gonzalez-diz-lider-da-oposicao/.
(3) UN calls for solidarity and more support for the people of Venezuela. https://news.un.org/pt/story/2022/08/1797222.
(4) Situation of Venezuelans is a “shared global responsibility …. https://news.un.org/pt/story/2023/03/1811472.
(5) Preventing war, defending peace and solidarity with the Venezuelan people. https://operamundi.uol.com.br/opiniao/socorro-gomes-impedir-a-guerra-defendendo-a-paz-e-a-solidariedade-com-o-povo-venezuelano/.
(6) Brazilian peace and solidarity organization says in a statement that “at …. https://www.brasil247.com/americalatina/entidade-brasileira-da-paz-e-solidariedade-diz-em-nota-que-na-venezuela-venceram-as-forcas-anti-imperialistas-e-da-paz.
(7) Four people die in protests against Maduro, which spread to …. https://g1.globo.com/mundo/noticia/2024/07/30/uma-pessoa-morre-em-protestos-contra-maduro-que-se-espalham-por-diversas-cidades-na-venezuela.ghtml.
(8) Peru recognizes Edmundo González as ‘president-elect’ of Venezuela. https://www.cartacapital.com.br/mundo/peru-reconhece-edmundo-gonzalez-como-presidente-eleito-da-venezuela/.
(9) Peru recognizes Edmundo González as ‘legitimate’ president-elect of Venezuela. https://www.msn.com/pt-br/noticias/mundo/peru-reconhece-edmundo-gonz%C3%A1lez-como-leg%C3%ADtimo-presidente-eleito-da-venezuela/ar-BB1qUTid.
(10) Peru is the first country to recognize Edmundo González as president-elect of Venezuela. https://gauchazh.clicrbs.com.br/mundo/noticia/2024/07/peru-e-o-primeiro-pais-a-reconhecer-edmundo-gonzalez-como-presidente-eleito-da-venezuela-clz93351g007501e95i3sp755.html.
(11) Peru recognizes Edmundo González as ‘legitimate’ president-elect of …. https://www.opovo.com.br/noticias/mundo/2024/07/30/peru-reconhece-edmundo-gonzalez-como-legitimo-presidente-eleito-da-venezuela.html.


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