
Guyana to contract 3D seismic study to support offshore exploration, future bid rounds


Guyana to contract 3D seismic study to support offshore exploration, future bid rounds

Seismic Survey Vessel Jpg


Guyana plans to contract a survey to gather data in support of offshore exploration and future bid rounds.

The Ministry of Natural Resources published a June 5 request for expressions of interest from “reputable and experienced” firms to conduct a 3D multi-client seismic survey offshore Guyana.

The new notice said the objective of the assignment is to acquire, process and interpret high-quality 3D seismic data to facilitate exploration and potential development of hydrocarbon resources offshore Guyana. A second objective is to ensure high-quality seismic data is available for effective evaluation during future bidding and licensing rounds.

The government closed its first offshore licensing round and announced awards in 2023, but did not conduct a seismic study in support of the round. Government had said earlier this year that it would conduct aninternal review of its available datato guide a decision on the second round.

For the seismic study, eligible firms are required to demonstrate that they are qualified and experienced, including by providing a record of similar assignments in similar conditions, and the availability of appropriate staff and equipment. The deadline for submissions with Guyana’s National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) is Thursday, June 20, 2024.

The Ministry said it will shortlist firms that meet the qualification requirements and invite them to submit a technical and financial proposal.

On the eastern side of the Guyana-Suriname Basin, afive-phase seismic survey was conductedby CGG, CGS and BPC, prior toSuriname putting 11 shallow water blockson auction. Scheduled for closure of the round on May 31 past, the Staatsolie Hydrocarbon Institute is scheduled to announce the successful biddersby the end of June. Shell isconducting a seismic surveyoffshore Trinidad and Tobago across three deepwater blocks awarded to a consortium of Shell and bp late last year.


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