
Tag: Southern Brazil


Smart Agriculture

Investment possibility for [ Southern ] Brazil

Future in Food Industry by Idoia Olabarrieta and Angela Melado, source  food 4.0. AZTI AF Amsterdam, 9 June 2021–The crisis generated by Covid has had the collateral consequence of anticipating the future: the transition to the digital society has accelerated and those companies that either does not know how to see it or do not adapt…
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Tour Rua de Vinho Maria Fumaça

Historic Railway Trip to Wineyards

Bento Gonçalves, Garibaldi, Carlos Barbosa and Nova Petrópolis cities built with hard work and fertile land where immigrants gave birth to the wines symbol of sustenance and prosperity. In the course of the tour we will take a trip to the past with the play the Italian Epic. On board the Maria Smoke packed with…
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